About my path:
For many years when I was younger, I was afraid of the simple question people ask every day:"How are you?" -- Because I was not able to express the way I really felt: it scared me, I could not talk about the way I felt inside in my heart .... What kept me motivated all those years, was that I always felt a connection with the higher Divine Realms and Divine Source. During those difficult times, I found comfort in studying spiritual teachings and learning about the spiritual path of life.
My intention with this website is to offer a safe space, filled with healing, loving, uplifting and inspiring messages for all those beautiful Souls who have experienced similar challenges in their lives. Dealing and living with these medical situations was difficult. With PTSD, ADHD and SD (sensory dysfunction with hearing), it was a unique path of learning. And because some of these symptoms overlap, I did not get the right diagnosis for many years. Yes, the consequences of a misdiagnosis can be devastating. For me, it ment that I had to give up the goals and the career which I had dreamed of. Today I am a lot better, I am at peace and I feel grateful. What I learned with the spiritual teachings over the years truly allowed me to change my health for good. Looking for answers during those difficult times, studying these spiritual books was my only hope. I found very precious answers on that path, and this is why I wish to support others now with the knowledge that I discovered. Living in a society where most people judge others only by their professional achievements is not always easy. Studying the spiritual teachings really became like my healing medicine. I have experienced the healing power of meditations on all levels of my being. The path of healing that our Divine Source has prepared for us gently teaches us a new way of being: one of true Love. What matters in life, is what truly touches the hearts and the Souls of people. This is why I am deeply grateful for all the precious spiritual teachings that I have received. What first starts as a quest for healing, with time we discover the higher meaning of the spiritual path and the sacred journey of the Soul. More and more, you then discover this beautiful Divine Guidance in your life too. In my own life, already as a child, I experienced things that brought me to learn, what most people rarely have to learn, especially not at such a young age. I really know what it means to go through tough times. I consciously don't share most of the details here, because what really matters is the message on how to heal all those things. This is why this website is dedicated to help and uplift all those who are experiencing difficult situations in their lives. Healing is possible when we have faith in the higher Divine Guidance. The support from the Higher Divine Realms and the Angels is always available to everybody. Studying spiritual teachings truly supports you on your path to inner healing. Words can't describe how this path supports you and heals you. To support people all around the world who are going through difficult times in their lives, I have created this website. This is my present for you and for your family. This is the healing hug from a loving friend, from heart to heart, from Soul to Soul. If you are right now in a difficult situation, I want you to know that you too can change your life for the better. I want to help you see that you have the inner strength to heal on all levels of your being. Be patient and have compassion with yourself. Daily prayers will always give you new strength and new motivation for your next steps, which is more beautiful than words could explain here. Even I don't do big marketing campaigns, I trust and know that through Divine Guidance, my messages will reach the hearts of those in need for this healing Light. God wants to help you to create a beautiful life for yourself. To make an appointment for a video call, please see the contact info here. Sending you divine blessings, Jeanne Find out more about how Reiki Healing with Angels can help you. |